Technological developments, emerging employee preferences, and the covid pandemic have contributed to digital learning going from a ’nice-to-have’ to ’must-have’. One way to start working with digital learning is to consider the potential for learning within the existing organizational context before implementing new technology.
The concept of digital learning can easily elicit images of high-tech areas such as artificial intelligence or augmented reality. We believe one reason for this is the fact that digital learning is currently depicted as revolutionizing how organizations conduct learning programs. And when something changes in its foundations, we tend to imagine it being in the most disruptive way possible
But focusing too narrowly on technology can, unfortunately, cloud and stave the purpose of all learning: what do we want the learner to know, and how do we get there from here? That is the question that should guide digital learning and not technology in itself.
Since learning is above all else a communicative process, the potential of digital learning does not primarily reside in technology. Learning is about finding the most suitable format to deliver knowledge that individuals easily grasp. If we implement digital learning initiatives from that premise, there is much organizations can do with their resources to realize digital learning.
When we work with clients to support the implementation of their digital learning structure, one approach we recommend is Just-in-time learning.
Just-in-time learning provides employees with information to use when the need arises. Therefore, it is not concerned with scheduled learning sessions but with establishing an easy-to-navigate structure of relevant and updated information. Employees are thus allowed to continuously absorb new knowledge concerning their work situation, resulting in a highly relevant and personalized digital learning experience.
Since Just-in-time learning is a strategic approach to digital learning, organizations can tailor their current communication infrastructure to support it. The intranet or digital platforms as Microsoft Teams are possible enablers. The important thing is to understand employees’ digital behavior and tap into it to provide digital learning opportunities on demand.
Just-in-time learning is a highly effective form of digital learning guided by employee-focused considerations such as;
- What kind of information does our employee’s value?
- How do we communicate most efficiently with regards to their everyday work?
- Are there external sources we can integrate?
- What is the best possible structure and information flow to create an engaging learning experience?
If organizations spend their time and resources on that end, they will likely deliver engaging and valuable digital learning experiences.
Are you in the process of implementing digital learning?
We are happy to be part of your digital learning journey. If you are thinking about improving or initiating change in the organization, we support strategic decisions and build the digital learning from scratch.
Get in touch by the contact button below, and we take it from there!